28 February 2007

Taking it Just a Bit Far

I love Grey's Anatomy, I really do. I am not an 'original' watcher, instead, I got hooked this summer when they showed season 1 in reruns. Then, as soon as season 2 came out on DVD, I ran to my local Best Buy and bought it. I spent the next 7 days in front of my t.v. and watched every stinking episode. An addict was born. I love the show, I never miss it on Thursday night, then on Friday morning I read the episode write up on Entertainment Weekly followed immediately by Grey Matter, the Grey's writer's blog. Oh, and I have a special play list on my iPod that is exclusively songs featured on the show. Having said all that, even I think this is taking it just a bit too far:

Yup. Your eyes are just fine. That is the latest new glossy to hit news stands: The official Grey's Anatomy Magazine. A subscription can be yours for only $39.95 which includes 4 issues, a year book, and a "special" (whatever that means). Thanks, but I think I'll pass.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's McNuts!!!!!