02 May 2007

Blake Lewis: Worst Rendition of Bon Jovi Ever

From what I've been seeing around and about today, it looks like Simon was right - everyone is divided over Blake Lewis' performance of "You Give Love a Bad Name" last night on Idol. Personally, I hated it and I think Jon Bon Jovi probably did as well, with his veiled reference to "people who don't want to see this song messed with".

Dial Idol has Jordin and Blake as safe and everyone else as a possible elimination. I think that Jordin got the massive sympathy vote because she admitted that she did a horrible job with "Living on a Prayer".

I think that Chris Richardson and Lakisha are going home tonight in the double elimination, but I'm secretly hoping it's going to be Blake.

And in case you missed it - here the horrible beat boxing performance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kate don't hate. You need to love the Blakster for all his creative abilities. He was creative and original...you have to give him that.

It was Morrissey meets hip hop meets Bon Jovi. What a wonderful odd hodpodge.

Come on....it was fun! It was a lot more entertaining than watching Lakisha scream her face off.

People are talking and I think that is what Blake wanted.

Please Kate, don't hate!