12 April 2007

Hot Pants Scarnato Goes Home

Even the hot pants couldn't save Haley Scarnato this week on American Idol. Ryan Seacreast proclaimed that "after a record breaking 35 million votes", Haley was leaving the competition. She cried as she watched her Idol journey tape and then gave a horrible performance of "Turn the Beat Around". She seemed sort of relieved, but that could be my imagination.

Entertainment abounded in this filler full one hour results show. Somehow Fox persuaded Eva Longoria to be in the audience, along with Sharon Osborne, although neither of them spoke. There was an amusing little clip of Tony Bennett pretending to audition for Idol and Simon telling him he was the worst they've seen, Simon with some cute little girls in Africa, Ryan Seacrest asking the man on the street who should win, (Blake seems popular) and then Jennifer Lopez, wearing some weird kaftan like thing with splits in it, performing a song from her new album, surrounded by dancers wearing sunglasses and metallic jackets. It was an exhausting hour.

Sanjaya, of course, lives on another week. I can't imagine how he is going to survive "Country" week, but America seems to be in love with him. He's probably going to win the whole damn thing.

Next week's guest mentor/album plugger is someone who can actually sing - Martina McBride!!

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