27 April 2007

Angie Wants More Orphan Money

Angelina Jolie has graced Washington with her presence yet again, this time at a news conference launching Global Action for Children, asking the Government for more funding for the worlds orphans. Jolie tried to keep a low profile the whole time but it didn't really work, as she attracted over fifty photographers, monitoring her every movement.

Jolie was the last speaker and said "I am no policy expert, as you all know, and I'm not going to speak as one," she said. "I am asking you to think of orphan children not as a burden . . . but as investing in a future. . . . Orphaned children are the world's children."

When asked if she would run for office, Angelina laughed and said "I don't think anybody here wants that." Except every camera man, journalist, and media executive in the free world.

In an ironic twist, Angelina dragged Shiloh with her to Washington, her only non-adopted child. Shiloh was no where to be seen during the proceedings.

In other matters Brangelina, I saw this great story on CNN this morning. Some 80 yr old man in Massachusetts has his phone number listed on a chat board as Brad Pitts phone number. He received thousands of calls, which he answered. The old guy seemed very good natured about the whole thing and when pressed said that he would have chosen Jennifer Aniston as his wife. Good on him!!

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