23 March 2007

My Childhood Memories Just Got Shattered

Say it isn't so!!! Maureen McCormick, better known as Marcia from The Brady Bunch, has apparently told People Magazine that she used to do cocaine and suffer from bulimia. Cocaine?? Marcia!? She reveals that the eating disorder came first when she went back to public school when she was 17 then a boyfriend introduced her to cocaine. She says it then became clear that she "has an addictive personality". She has since "cleaned up" through "therapy and faith". Holy cow. It's a good thing I found about this after 5:00 on a Friday. I have the entire weekend and several bottles of wine to help me get over it. At least the coke snorting wasn't going on during The Brady Bunch years. I'm still not over the whole Greg and Mrs. Brady hooking up thing.

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