20 February 2007

Raid on Sly's Hotel Room

According to the Herald Sun, Sylvester Stallone has been in Sydney, Australia promoting his latest Rocky movie and has gotten himself into a bit of trouble. While there, authorities raided his private jet, limo and hotel suite after,

"he was seen allegedly trying to dump illegal substances from the balcony of his luxury suite."
This comes after customs officers were said to be investigating a banned body-building substance found in his luggage when he arrived in Australia last Friday. Stallone was allowed to fly out of Sydney last night but the investigation into the seized substance is ongoing. If he is found to have been carrying an illegal substance, he could be banned from visiting Australia again which probably wont bother him much. What may be a difficult hurdle though is the maximum penalty according to the customs website,

"....for importing performance and image-enhancing drugs is up to five years in jail and/or $110,000 in fines."
I'm sure Sly has a hefty bank account but jail would put a bit of a damper on his big Rocky comeback.

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