28 February 2007

Did Anna Nicole Have Lupus?

Everyone is wondering right now, did Anna Nicole have Lupus? Access Hollywood asked the question last night during the Larry Birkhead segment, saying the lupus combined with pregnancy could have put Anna Nicole in severe pain, which might hae been one of the reasons she was taking so many prescription drugs. The exact cause of Anna Niocle's death has not been determined yet as the Medical Examiner, Dr Perper, is still waiting on all the toxicology reports to come back.

It was also revealed to Access Hollywood's Tony Potts, through a source, that Larry Birkhead's visit with Dannielynn went really well, he got to feed her, hold her, change her and then she spat up on him. Probably the only time Larry was happy to be spewed on!!

Larry Birkhead gave a very emotional interview to Tony Potts. The rest of the interview will be aired tonight on Access Hollywood.

The 4th Circuit Court is hearing arguments about Anna Nicole's body as I type this! Nothing has been decided yet, but from what kind of questions the Judges were asking, it's not looking good for Vergie Arthur.

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