23 February 2007

Britney Doesn't Deserve Privacy

Danny Bonaduce, child star of The Partridge Family, has come out and said he would do anything to help Britney Spears.

Spears checked back into rehab yesterday, the third time in a week. Bonaduce has well documented struggles with drugs and alcohol, and says that Britney has the same room that he had at Promises in Malibu.

As a recovering alcoholic, Bonaduce, 47, said he'd do anything to help Spears. "I'll come pick her up and take her where she needs to go. She can come stay at my house." But he scoffed at the wistful notion that we should just all leave her alone.

"She doesn't have a right to privacy," he said. "She sold it" to anyone who ever bought an album. "I thought all I wanted was privacy until I got some. Overrated!"

I agree Danny! Once you put yourself out there to the extent that Spears has, she can't expect much privacy. People do want to know what is going to happen to her, partly because we care, and partly because we like to see a fall from grace. And you can't deny it - we are all worried about her babies!!

With a little help from Grandmas
Britney Does It Again
K-Fed is worried about Brit

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