20 February 2007

Birkhead Lawyer Accuses Howard K Stern of Murder?

The hearing into Anna Nicole Smith's burial continued today in Ft Lauderdale Fl. All the major players turned up. Howard K Stern caused pandemonium outside the courthouse on his arrival. Larry Birkhead and Vergie Arthur hugged in the courtroom. They appear united against the common enemy, Howard K Stern.

There was lots of talking and instruction from Judge Larry Seidlin, who jogged four miles this morning, and therefore "my head is very clear on all these issues".

The Judge also inexplicably asked Stern to get up and write Dannielynn's name down on a white board at the front of the courtroom. To prove what? I don't get it.

Ron Rale and Krista Bath - attorneys for Howard K Stern, battled to keep the jurisdiction of the court and the battle at hand narrowed to who gets custody of Anna Nicole's body for burial. They both seemed dead set against the court getting into the messy area of paternity. However, Judge Seidlin is all for the paternity of Dannielynn being discovered, as Seidlin believes that the paternity issue needs to be resolved for everyone's piece of mind and he also feels that the biological father of Dannielynn needs to have input into the burial of Anna Nicole Smith.

Krista Bath complained on the record to Judge Seidlin after Debra Opri went over to Howard K Stern and accused him directly of murdering Anna Nicole!!!! When Bath went on the record, Opri did not stand up and deny that she said it, however she looked at the judge and shook her head, implying that she didn't say it . Wow. That is totally amazing for a lawyer to get up in court and make accusations like that. Opri is a real wild card!

Judge Seidlin did not really react to Bath's accusation of the murder accusation - so maybe he didn't really belive that Opri said that? We wait to find out.

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